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Living math is when children learn from their daily activities and play.

Ways to work with your children in math:

  • Count a variety of objects. 

  • Show the child the symbol of the number. 

  • Count and learn the quantity of money. 

  • Clocks and how to read them. 

  • Adding basic numbers.

  • Building quantities of 10. 

  • Some activities could be cooking (measuring and counting ingredients).

  • Sorting and Classifying objects (which a lot of children regularly do while playing).

"Math is logic, sequence, order, and the extrapolation of truth. In the Montessori philosophy, it's stated that the child has a 'mathematical mind' and an internal drive to understand the environment around them. It can, therefore, be said that children have an inborn attraction for math. Their minds are full of energy that propels them to absorb, manipulate, classify, order, sequence, abstract, and repeat. These tendencies are those which help the child to acquire a greater depth to his mathematical knowledge." 
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